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Thomas_orch's Application Form

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Thomas_orch's Application Form Empty Thomas_orch's Application Form

Post  Thomas_orch Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:29 pm

I know all the commands there is to know to help with server making. I'm best with the popular plugin world edit i can make a decent spawn in a matter of seconds. I no how to use many a config.yml. I also know how to operate most known plug-ins through Commands.Another reason to make me mod is have my own hunger games server that is highly popular and runs Bukkit to make the experience for Players a whole lot better! I know the basic colour coding for bukkit e.g. &4=dark red &k = the moving letters &l = Bold and most other colours off by heart.As for Admin commands i know the works from the not necessary (mob disguise) to the Highly simple but very essential essentials.I notice a few plug-ins round the server the spectacular use of world guard and also Slim's amazing use of Towny.World Guard: I know loads on this topic as I used to make Safe zones using factions (/f claim safe zone [Radius]) and began to learn many more things about world guard as of its superiority to factions I know about:
flags,defining and redefining regions, and many other key commands.One more plugin that I noticed that this server has is group manager.I know how to move people into groups and also how to edit perms and other parts of the global groups file.I know that if i had the privilege of being Mod on such a server I would use this power in the helping of the server, and not abuse it by giving others items.The community of the server with the help of the moderators and admins slim has created a great environment for mine-craft players of all types The way it works is that the people on the server donate through the site hevan, slim uses that money efficiently and distributes it to the server and you can see that that has been a huge success.There is a no pvp area in the wild (world guard) this is highly efficient as it cuts down a lot of moaning and disrupting administrators time.Top get a chance to be a mod You complete a mod sheet which is then looked at by several people,and if good enough is passed onto an admin to to look at.After which the admin chooses whether the application is worthy of a place in the staff list. Which can on rare circumstantial cace's can end up in an opping of the player/admin.Also the plugin lockette is used to create a player a private chest item door which can also to be shared between two people by using the /lockette command.The last thing about the community is the use of towny This is used to create players an area of sanctuary where no greifing can commence. Over all I love the server and feel that I need a part to play to help run this amazing server, like it has done for me for so long.Thank you for taking the time to read my appliance sheet It would be a great honour to help you, and I feel I could make a difference to this already amazing server.

Here is some important commands that I feel that would help the server.

Cmd's That would help:
//hcyl [Creates a hollow cylinder around you defined by numerical amounts given]
//cyl [Creates a cylinder around you defined by numerical amounts given]
//sphere (//hsphere) [hsphere creates a hollow sphere relative to your point in the world] [sphere creates a sphere relative to your point in the world]
//set [Makes a sollid object defined by the wand]
//wand [Creates an area in which world editing takes place]
//outline [Creates a structure with no inside that is commonly used for housing]
//wals [Creates walls around the area defined by the wand]
//br [creates a brush that can be set to smooth or sphere which can form either a sphere at the point of clicking or flatten land around the point of clicking]
//replace [replaces the blocks in the region defined by the wand with the blocks of your choice]
//replacenear [replaces the blocks in a radius defined by you with the blocks of your choice]
And also most item ids, names and permissions
/md,/disuse [Used to disguise yourself as a mob or player on the server]
/nick [Used to change the name that appears in the chat This can be alpha numeric and can also contain a use of different colors and text fonts managed by essentials chat]
/setspawn [sets the spawn point point of logging in and group meetings for the group default]
/f and lots more [Uses the popular plugin factions to create an area in which no other people that do not inhabit the group of origin can destroy
/manuadd [adds the user to the group specified]
/manudel [deletes the group that players can go into]
/region [defines a region preselected by the wand and gives protection and other flags]
/op [gives a user the highest permissions in the game]
/deop [takes the rights away given by /op]
/ban [removes the player from the server in a state in which unless unbanned can never join again]
/banip [bans the IP of a user so they can no longer join the server on that IP]
/kick [Removes the player from the server until they next login]
/kickall [removes all players on the server perfect for server modifying]
/setwarp [sets a warp point at the current location]
/f bypass [enables admin to break blocks in others factions]
/world [teleports you to the world give by numerics 1-2]
/gm [switches to the oposit game mode that you were in previously]
/towny [enables users to create an area of sanctuary]
/warp [warps you to the specified warp point

I also know lots lots more that I would like to show the server that I can do.

Here is part of a previous mod app that i have sent to other site's

I know all the commands: All Players: - /help : Brings up this help. - /who : Shows the current players in the server. - /me [action] (or *[action]) : Says that you do that action. - /colors : Shows the rank and equivalent colors. - /policy : Shows the World of Minecraft policies. - /appeal : Shows how to file a Spectator Appeal. - /tiles : Shows the tile names used by the server - @[user] message: Sends a private message to a user - - /w [user] message - - /pm [user] message - /respawn : Takes you to the spawn point Guest: - /upgrade : Shows how to upgrade from guest to member. - /spawn : Set your login spawn point to the current location. - /[Tile] : Places special blocks: - - [Tile] :[/solid /water /lava /gold /iron /coal /dstair ] Member: - /tp [user] : Teleport to user. - /status [user] : See the current status of user. (only players of higher ranks can see your notes) - /museum [Name] : Goes to archived map: - - [Name : lakeview, riverside, seabreeze, (etc), exit] - /lobby : takes you to the lobby (good for transitioning out of museums on a computer with low memory) Designer: - /fill * - /copy * - /paste * - /pyramid * - /esolid * - /rollback * - /place * - /grant [user] * - /revoke [user] * *assigned area only Architect: - /fill [tile] [tile2]* : Fills a region with a certain tile. - - *If [tile2] is used, it will only fill [tile] over instances of [tile2] in your selected area - /copy [name] : Copies region into saved file. - /paste [name] [direction] [flip] [offset] [trans] : Pastes region from saved file. - - [direction : north, south, east west] - - [flip : none, flipx, flipy] - - [offset : number (vertical offset in pixels)] - - [trans : none, trans (makes air transparent)] - /mpaste [name] xyz : Pastes region from saved file using mpaste (more info here) - /continuous [1:0] : Turns continuous pasting and filling on. - /esolid tile [ solid : sphere ] : Creates an elliptical solid. - /pyramid [tile] [1:0] : Creates a pyramid with tile. - /place {tile} [x y z] : Places a tile at your feet or at x y z co-ordinates given. Moderator: - /member [user] [reason] : Set user to member status for the defined reason. - /guest [user] [reason] : Set user to guest status for the defined reason. - /probation [user] [hours] : Set user to probation status for the defined hours. - /spectate [user] [reason] : Set user to spectator status for the defined reason. - /note [user] [message] : Add a note to a user profile. - /kick [user] : Kick a user from the server. - /mute [user] : Mute a user for 60 seconds. - /unmute [user] : Unmute a muted user. - /silence [user] : Silence a user indefinitely. - /unsilence [user] : Unsilence a silenced user. - /bring [user] : Bring user to your location. - /say [message]: Says message in red, for importance. - /search [user] : Searches user on the website to see if they are registered. - /a [message] (or /asay [message] or #[message]) : Talks in admin chat. - /cloak [1:0] : Makes your player invisible (leaves a still clone wherever /cloak 1 was last used). - /warn [user]: Prevents a user from building for 60 seconds. - /unwarn [user]: Unwarns a user. - /assign [user] : Protects a builder's land from other members. - /unassign : Unassigns a user's area (You must be in the area). - - /unassign [user]: Unassigns ALL areas of user. - /whodid: (Click or Place block) Gets recent logs of that block. - /monitor mode : Changes the mode and what you see. - - [ Mode : noground , blank , reset ] - /undo [user] : Undoes all recent changes by user. - - /undo [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /undo with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit. - /replay [user] : Replays all recent changes by user. - - /replay [user] preview: Previews what would happen if you used /replay with [user]. To exit, use /monitor exit. - /rollback : Use if you want to revert mass changes. Admin: - /ban [user] [reason] : Kick and ban a user+ip from the server (only applies to guest and spectator ranks) - /moderator [user] [reason] : Set user to moderator rank for the defined reason. - /undolastfill [user]: Undoes a user's last fill. - /designer [user] [reason] : Set user to designer rank for the defined reason. Executive: - /architect [user] [reason] : Set user to architect rank for the defined reason. - /admin [user] [reason] : Set user to admin rank for the defined reason. - /[Realtile] : Places realliquids for rock. - - [ Realtile : /realwater /reallava ] - /title [user] [title] : Adds a title to a user (reserved for Designer+ and must contain original username) - /award [user] [award] : Awards a user for their deeds. - /reallyreplaceall [tile1] [tile2] : Replaces all instances of [tile1] on the map with [tile2]. Owner: - /executive [user] [reason] : Set user to executive status for the defined reason. - /setspawn : Sets the default player spawn point where you are standing. All ranks inherit commands from ranks of a lower status. /rank [user] [rank] Thank you

Plus if you ops/mods were wondering none of this text was copied and pasted thank you for your time.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-09-03

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